Stupid Blogger won't let me delete the message, so hey. Whaddyaknow.
Guess it was a long day today. It was a good day today. I'm not getting any better, but I will...I will. And I'll be writing my study notes soon, as my exams are coming in like...a month's time. I can't believe it. The weeks pass by so fast. Just the blink of an eye, and there goes another week. Phooey. Then soon, after the exams, it's the summer time! And we'll get to go to the beach and stuff....I can't wait x.)
Yeah. My train of thought derailed again. Sue me.
The stinky feet sticky pic always makes me laugh.. XD
Pretty, eh? =D
*mind explodes*
MUAHAHA, yes I am a poo
Just need to fix up a few glitches.. :D :D :D
*poke* SWEET NOVEMBER..!! Keanu Reeves..
Well, I've just wondered about that inner turmoil thing. I'm just not so sure about its existance but I suppose it's a valid theory. =/ *shrugs* I like thinking and confusing myself...continue to wonder about infinity, the expansion of the universe, his new haircut...*cough* Okay, so I'm trying to sound like a philosopher or a deep thinker or whatever. But sometimes it's just strange because my train of thought derails, and suddenly it enters this forest, with glittery snow hanging off the cedars, yet sunlight shines through a gap amidst the leaves. 0_0
There I go again. -_-"
Ah, back to bimbo mode. I'm really tempted to just eat up all of the fruit corners I bought from wellcome...I can't get enough of that creamy yogurty goodness! =D ^_^;; And I really want to watch so many movies. 0_o That Nic Tse movie , the Emperor's New Groove, The Mexican , and Sweet November . =D
I think I'm going to have a new layout soon, as I've got the rough idea..not sure if it'll come out, but we'll see =D
*looks at the blogs kai and jaso wrote below*
Er....your first zit, eh? Congrats, you are FINALLY entering puberty ;D 0_o; And I fixed that.....thingamabob. 0_0
Thank you, you may now pass through.
*points at the far left (my left) corner of his forehead*
I just felt I had to tell everyone.
you know, whenever I post in your blog.. i feel like i'm stepping on foreign turf.. O_O
*dies* My stomach hurts SO FUCKING MUCH. >______< *dies* And I haven't done any hw yet, and I can't concentrate either....;_; What am I to do?!
I gotta remember that.
Now I just have to rack up ONE more relation. ;D
I want to fly, waiting for sunrise...